Whether its a romantic Friday night, a birthday party, the playoffs, or Saturday night bags tournament.  E-Style is here to help make your outdoor entertainment needs a reality. 


Great Outdoors

There is nothing like enjoying your backyard.  Why not enjoy it a little bit more with an outdoor entertainment system.  Listen to music while grilling, or watch your favorite baseball or football game.  E-style can help you make the system of your dreams.  Outdoor TVs and audio equipment has come a long way.  They are much better at fending off the elements, while keeping the high quality we all expect.  Control through universal remotes, phones, tablets, or touchscreens are all at your fingertips.

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Outdoor TV's

Did you know that outdoor TV's are specifically made to weather that elements.  With this comes an increased cost over normal indoor TV's.  Outdoor TV's also combat the sunshine and major glare problems.  Just remember, these pieces of equipment are resistant and not proof.  We encourage all of our customers to reach out to E-Style for help winterizing their outdoor entertainment equipment.


Outdoor speakers come in many sizes and flavors.  It takes a good conversation to understand what you want to get out of your system to help gauge what types of speakers to select.  It can be small background music on a small patio.  It can be  large ambiance surround system that ties into the outdoor TV.  It can be a large intense surround system set for a symphony.  It can be whatever you, you just have to imagine it.

E-Style Home Systems has a long track record of helping clients find their outdoor lifestyles.  If you are redoing your patio, upgrading your old system, or have new construction; E-Style can help find the system that is right for you.